DALP’s Services

Our professional services are design to educate and help people in relation to lock’s, physical and cyber security. We want Australia to have an understanding of what could happen to you.

Who are we?

Meet our team.

The people behind Dark Arts Lock Picking

James Gillett

Founder/ Owner/ Non-Destructive Physical Entry Specialist/ Trainer

Dana Blaze


Darryl Jackway

Cyber Security Specialist/ Security/ Trainer

Dark arts lock picking services

A list of professional services we offer the public. Contact us for more information and enquires.

Key Cutting

We cut a variety of keys. We can duplicate, code cut, and create new keys for your most common locks.

RFID cloning

We can clone most RFID cards and tags.

Physical Penetration Testing

Want to test your business, building or establishments security? Hire our team to put your physical and cyber security to the test. We act like criminals but legally then give you a report on what we find so you can see any weaknesses and help increase your security.

Lock Installation, Repairs, Re-Keys

We Install, Replace, Repair and Re-key most residential locks.

Presentations & Training

Learn about weaknesses in both physical and cyber security. How entry methods work and how to defend against them and more. Book in a class for your emergency service group or a presentation for your business, group or event!

Automotive Lockouts

Locked your keys in the car or locked yourself out we can help.


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about us